Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Conversations with Kids

On the way to school this morning the kids and I were having a typical day. They were listening to the Wiggles (it was Isaac's turn to pick), and I was listening to Christmas music on my Ipod. When out of the blue Isaac says to me . . .

"Mom, I whike Whacie" (I like Gracie)

"You do? That's good." I reply.

A few moments pass.

"Mom, I whike Whacie and Sissy whikes Whexie" (I like Gracie and sissy likes Lexi)

I repeat to make sure I heard him right and then ask, "Well, who do I like?"

"You like MawMaw." He replies.

"You're right I do." I say

At this point Kalista chimes in and says, "Yep, you like your mom. And both of us likes Gramme."

Isaac says, "I like Gramme too."

And we continue on down the road. What sweet kids. . .


Ang said...

AHHH!! I will make sure to tell Lexi and Gracie tomorrow when the wake up.

Stephanie said...

The things little kids say...you've got two sweet ones!

Rybak Family said...

I see you are now first on Angie's blog!!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad they know who they like, as for me you All are loved!!!