Tuesday, September 4, 2007

School's in session -- bring on the germs!

I have always had very good immune system, so has Erin and Kalista. Isaac on the other hand is my sickie. Since birth we have dealt with reflux, RSV, countless colds, eczema, allergies, and cold-induced asthma. He had a great summer, but of course school started three weeks ago, fall allergens started flying and I gave him his 1st breathing treatment of the season. Of course when I got the nebulizer out I was missing a vital piece of the machine (I think it got thrown away), so I had to resort to his inhaler. This is of course on top of his bout with Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease this weekend. (Thanks, Kennedy!) Poor boy hasn't eaten in days because his mouth hurt (it got so bad he even spit out his binki!), his sleeping has been poor, and now he is having breathing issues. Oh well, like I told his dr. at his 2 year appointment two weeks ago. . . "see you soon!"

Oh, by the way. Kalista just came and told me that her feet hurt. I looked and she has spots all over her feet, hands, mouth. . . Nice way to start the week. Sorry Ang, I guess your kids were exposed. . .


Henley Family said...

Oh my . . sounds like things are lots of fun at the Roades house! You and Erin better watch out! Take care of the wee ones! Nancy

Deborah said...

Oh, bless you! I have been blessed that my kids have never been sick at the same time. Wow, I probably should have never said that...

My Caleb has asthma too and he had his first day of preschool yesterday. So, we'll see. I hope the little ones get better soon.

Ang said...

I have been reading on the internet to prepare myself for it to come. Hope you guys are better/